by Chia-Li Hung, Shangzhao Lu, Whitney Fry, Zihan Zhuang, and XiaoXiao Yu

The modernization in China is bringing a new landscape to the people. This transformation is creating a loss of community in Chinese traditional culture. These changes can be seen in Tianzifang located in Shanghai. The rebuilding and relocation in Tianzifang reflect the dramatic changes occurring in China, and the people’s reaction to these changes. So, we wonder the definition of better city and if a better city leads to a better life.

中國的現代化帶給人們新的城市 但這樣的變遷卻也造成人際疏離與傳統文化的消失 隨著上海的傳統弄堂–田字坊的重建與商業化  也反應了整個大時代的變動與中國人對其抱持的態度
我們不禁懷疑 “好城市”是否會帶來更好生活

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